Buy Sea Bass Online
buy sea bass online, also known as Patagonian toothfish, is a beautiful fish that can be eaten whole or filleted. Its snow white flesh has a mild, buttery flavor and is very tender. Its moderately oily texture makes it a good candidate for roasting, grilling or sauteing. Its natural flavor stands up to almost any spice and cooking method, making it an excellent choice for the health-conscious cook. This delicious chef-prized seafood is caught wild and delivered fresh – never frozen.
Shop Sea Bass Online: Convenient Access to Premium Quality
Sea bass are a very large family (Serranidae) of fish that are mostly marine and found in shallower regions of tropical and warm seas. They are characterized by a dorsal fin that consists of two portions, the forward one being spiny and the hind one soft-rayed, joined to each other or separated from them by a notch. The coloration varies considerably among and within the various species.
The fish are carnivorous and feed on fish, crustaceans, mollusks and other invertebrates. Many species are hermaphroditic, with both male and female reproductive organs in the same fish. Most sea basses are active swimmers, but certain species, such as the belted sandfish of Florida, are sedentary.
A few of the larger serranid species are important game fishes, such as the striped bass (Morone, or Dicentrarchus, labrax) of Scandinavia and Europe, which is usually caught in river mouths; the black sea bass, also called snook or tarpon, of the Atlantic Coast of the United States; and the graysby, or tautog, of the tropical Western Atlantic. The other common marine sea basses are the grouper (Epinephelus itajara), a well-known American food and sport fish; and the red snapper (Pompano alpinus) of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.