Highlights in spreadsheets are a great way to make data stand out. However, too much highlighting can distract the reader and can cause eye strain. This article will give you a few different methods for customizing your highlight styles to meet your needs. Find out: Read more
Cell Styles
If you frequently highlight data in your spreadsheets, consider creating a cell style. Cell styles allow you to apply multiple formats simultaneously, which can save you time in the long run. They also help you maintain consistency. For example, if you always want input cells to have a green background with white font, you can create a style and apply it to the entire worksheet. Then, if you change your mind about the format for input cells, all the cells with that style applied will update automatically.
Conditional Formatting
The built-in rules provided by Excel to highlight the top and bottom values are handy and easy to use, but they have one drawback – if you ever change the number of values that you want to display, you need to change the numbers in the conditional formatting rule. You can work around this by using the Format Painter tool to quickly copy a cell or a range of cells that have been highlighted with a specific color.
To create a cell style, select the cells that you want to highlight and choose Home > Cell Styles. In the Cell Styles dialog box, select New Cell Style and enter a name for the new style. You can then change the font, color, and border formatting, as well as add a shaded fill, and click OK.